Plumbing Engineering
Plumbing systems are a necessary part of every building. From coordination of plumbing to serve HVAC to sanitary sewer, domestic water supply, and compressed air, count on SCA to have your plumbing systems covered.
Engineering a Sustainable Plumbing System
To ensure a sustainable, reliable plumbing systems, our plumbing approach is founded on decades of excellence in design of cost effective, reliable and sustainable systems.
Detailed Engineering Design
SCA’s plumbing team provide detailed specifications, assessments, design and coordination of water, sanitary, natural gas and building storm systems. Utilizing 3D plumbing isometrics and sections provides our plumbing team with additional clarity as it relates to constructability of systems. Plumbing systems are an important part of our sustainable design practice.
Our Plumbing Engineering Department Services include:
Plumbing System design for kitchens and lab rooms
Sanitary, Waste and Vent Systems design
Water Systems Design (cold, hot, tempered and return)
Roof Drain Piping Systems
Compressed Air Systems
Natural Gas Pipe Systems
Performance Specification of Sprinkler Systems
Project Management, Master Planning and Budgeting
Construction Phase Engineering Services and Coordination
Surveys and Reports
Design Experience References

Texas Department of Transportation

Gregory-Portland ISD
New Middle School and Addition
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Gregory-Portland ISD
Career and Technology Education Center
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Download Project Design Sheet